body list easy



First the so-called body list

We'll start with our feet
You'd better bend down and touch your feet, that's the one.
Then the knees, number two and then the thighs, as a three.
Now we tap on the buttocks, ah, the number four.
Let's put one hand on the hip and put the number five, because we touch with five fingers.

Now a little query.
Where wa the number three...? Ah, the thighs.
And the number four...? Of course, the buttocks.
And where the two...? you know, the knees.
And the number one ...?That's where we started, your feet, or your toes.

Now let's move on

The chest for the number six.
Now the shouders. we see the seven dwarfs on the left shoulder, for the number seven.
Touch your neck, that's the numer eight.
And now our face,everything applies here, mouth, chin, nose and even eyes. for the number nine Finally our hair, or there was hair, that's the ten

And again we ask.
Where was the seven...? Ah, there were the seven dwarfs sitting.
Wich body part was for the nine...? Of couse, our face.
Surely you remember the six. It's easy the chest.
And the eight..? Yes, the neck.
What about the hair...? Of course, the ten.

If you practise all the points a few more times, you'll soon be good at it and you can apply what you've learned.
We now have to connect what we want to remember to the body points.

But do you still know them all?

Here's an example:

He pisses ever on his feet, the little devil.

English: feet Italian: piede
Thats enough for now, ask yourself again tomorrow. Each point will be followed an example.
Here is the exact pronunciation.

The example then the next day. here

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