easy learn long words


Who knows the Indian name of King Charles III?

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He received it from the Cree Indians, namely 'Kisikawpisimkamiyowahpahmikoot' it means "Whom the sun watches over" try to remember it! No problem with my memory technique.

This works well for all abstract words.
For this you need a list of syllables, you should create one. Each syllable then stands for two to four words.
Of course, if you can do it, you need a few hours of training.
But since you use it more often, you quickly get the hang of it.

Let's start He sits in a kind of Indian church and sings. In his left jacket pocket is a comb made of carbon and a piece of whale bone. In the right pocket a piece of paper with the number pi written on it.

Before that, he had read a novel by Simmel. With a cardigan he got from a minister.
His wife did yoga. Then the chauffeur came with the wagon eating an apple and hat on.
Inside was a Pakistani with a hat on and a minister in a coat and on his leg an otter.
So again all syllables and letters: Ki si ka w pi sim kami yo wa h pa h mi ko ot.

Now read the story out loud to yourself twice and then try to repeat it by heart, if something is still missing, you know where you still have to learn.
If the story fits, then you also know the Indian name of King Charles and are happy to have learned such a monstrous word.
Ask around in your circle of acquaintances who can remember such a long word.

We'll continue here soon, with another story, to learn about the EU states.

Now practice hard. If you want to know how to proceed, just email me. or contact form

And don't forget, you don't need to know what you haven't repeated 5 times.

So repeat and after 1/4 hour one day, 3 days, 7 days and 1 month again. Maybe again after 3 months.

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At the moment it is only available in German.